Witness the everyday life that unfolds in the streets and public spaces of Ahmedabad through the lens of its citizens, know the markets and local hotspots to explore, hear the stories of people's experiences walking and gathering in different neighbourhoods and engage with the story called Everyday Ahmedabad.
Witness the everyday life that unfolds in the streets and public spaces of Ahmedabad through the lens of its citizens, know the markets and local hotspots to explore, hear the stories of people's experiences walking and gathering in different neighbourhoods and engage with the story called Everyday Ahmedabad.
URBAN THEMES is where you can find theme-wise data on the Decoding Everyday portal. For now, we have four themes listed here: Ecology & Public Spaces, Markets as Public Spaces, Pandemic & Public Spaces, and Women & Public Spaces. You can find data on these themes in various formats, including photos, videos, reflective pieces, maps and interviews.
If you'd like to build a section on the theme of your interest related to your neighbourhood's streets and public spaces, do begin to share your stories here and gather some more from family and friends around you!