Witness the everyday life that unfolds in the streets and public spaces of Ahmedabad through the lens of its citizens, know the markets and local hotspots to explore, hear the stories of people's experiences walking and gathering in different neighbourhoods and engage with the story called Everyday Ahmedabad.
Witness the everyday life that unfolds in the streets and public spaces of Ahmedabad through the lens of its citizens, know the markets and local hotspots to explore, hear the stories of people's experiences walking and gathering in different neighbourhoods and engage with the story called Everyday Ahmedabad.
FIND AND KNOW YOUR CITY is where you can find city-wise data on the 'Decoding Everyday' portal. For now, we have SIX cities listed here - Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Mumbai and Panaji. These are the cities for which the citizen stories received have been highest. If you click on AHMEDABAD for instance, you can find short videos, oral history interviews with residents describing their neighbourhoods and maps that show how we move in public spaces. These are a few of the things people have shared.
If you'd like to build a section that tells others what your city is like, what its streets are like and what happens in its small, public spaces, do begin to share your stories here and gather some more from family and friends around you!