Witness the everyday life that unfolds in the streets and public spaces of Ahmedabad through the lens of its citizens, know the markets and local hotspots to explore, hear the stories of people's experiences walking and gathering in different neighbourhoods and engage with the story called Everyday Ahmedabad.
Witness the everyday life that unfolds in the streets and public spaces of Ahmedabad through the lens of its citizens, know the markets and local hotspots to explore, hear the stories of people's experiences walking and gathering in different neighbourhoods and engage with the story called Everyday Ahmedabad.
You could look at the featured entries from our PAST competitions here.
The prizes for the series of 6 competitions from 10th February to 31st March 2022 were made possible through a grant from the Citizen Innovation Lab (CIL) at CIIE.CO.
You can read about it here: Be a Citizen Scientist: Contribute to ‘Decoding Everyday’